Explain the relation to array and pointer.

Explain the relation to array and pointer. Differentiate call by value and call by reference with a suitable program.

Difference Between Array and Pointer

Arrays and pointers are closely related concepts in C:

  1. Relation to Array:

    • In C, the name of an array can be treated as a pointer to its first element.
    • For example, if arr is an array, arr is equivalent to &arr[0].
    • You can use pointer arithmetic to access elements of an array, like *(arr + i) to access the ith element of arr.
  2. Pointer:

    • A pointer is a variable that stores the memory address of another variable.
    • Pointers can be used to indirectly access the value of a variable or to dynamically allocate memory.

Now, let's differentiate between call by value and call by reference:

  1. Call by Value:
    • In call by value, the actual value of the arguments is passed to the function.
    • Changes made to the parameters inside the function do not affect the original variables.
    • This method creates a copy of the arguments, and any modifications made to these copies do not affect the original values.
  2. Call by Reference:
    • In call by reference, the memory address of the actual arguments is passed to the function.
    • Changes made to the parameters inside the function affect the original variables.
    • This method allows the function to directly access and modify the original values passed to it.

Here's a program demonstrating both methods:

#include <stdio.h> // Function to increment a value using call by value void incrementByValue(int x) { x++; printf("Inside incrementByValue function: x = %d\n", x); } // Function to increment a value using call by reference void incrementByReference(int *x) { (*x)++; printf("Inside incrementByReference function: *x = %d\n", *x); } int main() { int num = 5; // Call by value printf("Before calling incrementByValue function: num = %d\n", num); incrementByValue(num); printf("After calling incrementByValue function: num = %d\n", num); // Call by reference printf("\nBefore calling incrementByReference function: num = %d\n", num); incrementByReference(&num); printf("After calling incrementByReference function: num = %d\n", num); return 0; }

In this program, incrementByValue function increments the value of x using call by value, while incrementByReference function increments the value of x using call by reference by accepting a pointer to x. The difference in behavior between the two methods is demonstrated by observing the changes in the original variable num.